Why Scrypt Mining is a Smart Diversification Strategy for Cryptocurrency Miners Cryptocurrency mining has evolved significantly since the inception of Bitcoin in 2009.
MONEY100: Principles of Money Commodity Money vs. Digital Commodity Money: The Evolution from Metallism to Nakamotoism Exploring the evolution of money from Metallism to Nakamotoism. Today's digital commodies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Dogecoin are redefining value in the digital age. 🪙
NFTs @anthonyonchain Ports Ordinals to Litecoin - MWEB White Paper Inscribed on Block 2425370 @anthonyonchain recently ported Ordinals, a NFT protocol created by Casey Rodarmor, to Litecoin. To commemorate the occasion, the first inscription on the Litecoin blockchain is the MWEB white paper.
Mining Scrypt: Harnessing Memory Scrypt is a memory-hard function designed to protect against denial-of-service attacks and for metering clients' access. It is resistant to specialized hardware like ASICs and FPGAs, making it more secure than other algorithms.
MONEY120: Monetary History Milton Friedman's Argument Against The Gold Standard: Bimetallism Revisited Milton Friedman's research on US monetary history during the 19th century challenges the conventional view of bimetallism versus gold monometallism, arguing that the superiority of monometallism is dubious. This paper explores the implications of Friedman's findings and challenges the status quo.
Litecoin Litecoin Halving: Definition, When It Happens, How It Works, and Why It Matters. After every 840,000 blocks mined, or roughly every four years, the block subsidy given to Litecoin miners for processing and securing transactions is cut in half.
Mining SHA256 vs Scrypt: Why Comparing Hash Rates of Different Hashing Algorithms is Misleading Application Specific Integrated Circut (ASIC) miners are designed to mine a specific algorithm; they cannot be configured to mine a different algorithm.
MONEY100: Principles of Money The Fundamentals of Money Money, from cowry shells to digital currencies like Bitcoin, embodies a universally accepted medium of exchange. Its properties—acceptability, divisibility, stable supply, portability, fungibility, and durability—define its effectiveness and utility.